Daniel chapter 2 presented a metallic man made up of different metals from head to toes.
The different metals, gold, silver, brass and iron represented four earthly kingdoms.
There is a transition from the legs of iron of the 4th kingdom to the feet of Iron & clay.
The feet has Iron thus representing the 4th Kingdom, Rome, undergoing a change (CLAY added to it).
The Iron legs represent Imperial Rome
The feet of Iron and Clay represent Papal Rome - a coalition of church & state
Daniel 11 presents a detailed rendition of Daniel 8 - both begin with the Medes & Persians
Daniel 11 presents in great detail the MEN who ruled in those kingdoms
With the exception of Babylon, Daniel 11 is a detailed outline of the MEN who ruled in the MAN of Dan 2
The Chiastic structure below locks in the prophecies of Daniel 2,7,8 & 11 & the interpretation of Daniel 2


Many folk fail to recognise that the Little Horn in Daniel chapter 8 is the Little Horn of Daniel chapter 7.
It is called the Little Horn after all.
If God had meant for the Little Horn of Daniel 8 to be a different power from that in Daniel 7 He would have called it by a different name but this is not the case.
Furthermore horns originate from the head of a beast as in the natural world - Daniel 7:20
Horns do not float around detached from their parent beast.
More importantly Horns do not originate or grow from another horn.
Hence, Antiochus Epiphanies is a false interpretation of the Little Horn of Daniel 8
Antiochus Epiphanes was one of the four horns of the divided Grecian Kingdom.
Therefore, the Little horn of Daniel 8 could not have grown out of the Antiochus horn
There are 3 beasts in Daniel 8 - the Ram, He-Goat & the 4th Beast of Daniel 7 with its Little Horn

One would expect Daniel 11 to follow the same sequence as in Daniel 2, 7 and 8 with the exception that in Daniel 8 and 11, the Kingdom of Babylon has exited the prophecy and we commence with the Medes and Persians in both chapters.
There is an important principle to remember in interpreting Bible prophecy and that is the transition from the literal and local scenario to the global and spiritual. While the names used remain the same, the meaning attached to the names change and this is especially so in Daniel 11 as Imperial Rome transitions to Papal Rome in Daniel 11:30-31 and onwards to verse 45. Examples in the graphic below.

Daniel 11 commences with the kings of Medo-Persia - verses 1 & 2
The Persians are followed by the mighty king of Grecia (Greece), Alexander the Great - verses 3 to 5
Alexander dies, his kingdom implodes & is divided up by his four generals - verses 3 to 5
The Kingdom finally resolves itself into two major components - that of the North & South.
The Kingdom of the North is centred in Syria and Seleucia and ruled by the Seleucid dynasty
The Kingdom of the South is centred in Egypt and ruled by the Ptolomies
The Kings of the North & South do battle over many years - verses 5 to 15
Pagan Rome conquers the King of the North & takes 'the holy land' (glorious land) - verse 16
Pagan Rome is the new King of the North & from verses 16 to 45 it is about ROME, both pagan & papal
The literal Kings of the North (Rome) and South (Egypt) do battle for the final time in verses 25-27
Octavius (Octavian) defeats Mark Antony & Cleopatra in the Battle of Actium on September 2, 31BC
The Battle of Actium ends the literal battles between the literal Kings of the North & South
Pagan Rome is weakening under heavy Barbarian attacks and transitions to Papal Rome in verse 31
With that transition, Papal Rome assumes the title, the King of the North. cf Daniel 2 - Babylon (*KOTN)
Papal Rome's persecution of Christians commences in verse 33 & continues to verse 35. cf Dan 7:25
The Saints are given into the hands of the Little Horn (Dan 7) for a time, times and the dividing of time.
This finite period of 1260 years comes to its end in verse 35 - persecuted to "the time of the end"
Verses 36 to 39 are a detailed explanation of THE King of verses 30 to 36 - Papal Rome.
Papal Rome, the King of the North, receives a deadly wound from the King of the South in verse 40
Hence the reason the persecution ceases in v 35. Both v 35 & v 40 speak of "the time of the end"
Persecution ceases in v 35. Verse 40 tells us why - Papal Rome receives its deadly wound.
Papal Rome takes in verses 40-45 and comes to its end some time in "the time of the end"
Probation will close in "the time of the end" in which we live when Michael stands up.
The stone will crush the feet (Papal Rome) of the Daniel 2 image in the "time of the end"
The Beast of Daniel 7 with its little horn will be given to the burning flames in "the time of the end".
The Little Horn of Daniel 8 "shall be broken without hand" in "the time of the end".
The King of the North, Papal Rome, will come to his end & none shall help him in "the time of the end".
Jesus will destroy Papal Rome with the brightness of his coming, in "the time of the end" 2Thess 2:8
verse 1 Also I in the first year of Darius the Mede, even I, stood to confirm and to strengthen him.
verse 9. So the king of the south shall come into his kingdom, and shall return into his own
[Rome was weakening so it made overtures with the apostates in the church who were in the majority. The subtle change from Pagan Rome to Papal Rome here takes place. There is no change in the pronouns but this is in keeping with Daniel 8, where one horn represents both Pagan & Papal Rome.
verses 1&2 - Persia
The angel Gabriel gave this prophecy to Daniel in the reign of king Cyrus (Dan 10:1). The kings which followed him were:
1. Cambyses II 530-522BC
2. False Smerdis alias Gaumata. Reigned part of 522BC, and hindered the work of rebuilding the sanctuary in Jerusalem.
3. Darius I 522-486BC.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1971, Vol 17, p 656
4. Xerxes I, the Great, (486-475BC. This is the Ahasuerus of Est 1:1-7). He was “richer than all” and with his wealth he raised a huge army to conquer Greece. His defeat was a turning point in world power. Attention moved to Greece
verses 3&4 - Greece
Alexander the Great, "a mighty king" - Grecian Empire is broken up into 4 divisions, toward the 4 winds of heaven - i.e. 4 directions of the compass. Alexander's 4 generals ruled in the divisions:
Cassander - North
Lysimachus - West
Seleucus - East
Ptolemy - South
verse 5 to 15 - the Greek Divisions battle each other. The four kingdoms finally resolved into two - the Kingdoms of the North and South - The Ptolemies to the South (Egypt) and the Seleucids to the North, (Syria). These battle for about 150 yrs in the Syrian / Egyptian wars. Ptolemy I Soter ruled the kingdom of the south (Egypt). One of his generals Seleucus Nicator became stronger than Ptolemy & had great dominion. He ruled the Seleucid Empire, the Kingdom of the North
verse 6
The kingdoms of the North & South tried to solidify peace with Ptolemy II Philadelphus, the King of the South giving his daughter, Berenice, in marriage to the King of the North, Antiochus II Theos. The arrangement did not work. After Ptolemy died Antiochus divorced Berenice and took back his former wife, Laodice. He died shortly after - ? poisoned by Laodice.
verses 7-9
Berenice's brother, Ptolemy III Euregetes avenged his sister's mistreatment. Ptolemy III attacked Laodice’s son, Seleucus II Callinicus, 246-226 and was victorious carrying the spoils of war to Egypt thus Egypt is the Kingdom of the South with verses 8 & 9 confirming this.
verse 10
Seleucus II sons (Seleucus III Ceranus Soter & Antiochus III Magnus, {the Great}) Seleucus III & Antiochus III. Former was murdered after a short reign. Antiochus in 219BC retook much from his rival Ptolemy
verse 11
Ptolemy IV Philopater, the King of the South was moved with anger. Even though Antiochus III, the king of the North amassed a large army, Ptolemy IV was victorious at the Battle of Raphia 217BC. The verse demonstrates Hebrew parallelism in an "ABBA pattern"
verse 12
Ptolemy IV when in Jerusalem attempted to enter the most holy place but the Jews withstood him. This upset Ptolemy slaughtering 40-60,000 Jews in Alexandria. He did not capitalise on his victory over the north. He died 205 B.C.? and his four-five year old son, Ptolemy V Epiphanes who ruled 204?-180 B.C., took the throne.
verse 13
Antiochus III saw a child on the Egyptian throne as a good opportunity to attack the South & "after certain years", literally, “at the end of times, years.” The period is probably the 16 years which passed after the Battle of Raphia before Antiochus’ second campaign against the south.
verse 14
with v14, Rome, "the robbers of thy people", the next great world empire, enters the prophecy which is in harmony with the repeat and enlarge principle seen in Daniel 2, 7, 8-9 in which Rome is the last earthly power described. Rome's entrance confirms the accuracy of the prophecy.
verse 15
Antiochus III the king of the north takes the south (Egypt fell)
verse 16
Rome attacks Antiochus III. The phrase “do according to his will” is applied to prophetic superpowers (cf. Dan 8:4; 11: 3, 36). Rome becomes the king (kingdom) of the north and continues the tradition of persecuting Godʼs people. Rome conquered Palestine, the “glorious land.”
verse 17
literally, “and upright ones with him he shall make.” ‘Upright ones,’ Heb. yesharim, is taken by some to be equivalent to ‘mesharim,’ - uprightnesses or equities. Mesharim is used in v 6 of an equitable agreement. If mesharim is correct this may here refer to the fact that when Ptolemy XI, Auletes, died in 51 BC., he placed his children, Cleopatra & Ptolemy XII, under the guardianship of Rome. "Daughter of women" -Cleopatra placed under Roman guardianship in 51B.C. when her father died. Julius Ceasar invaded Egypt and Cleopatra became his mistress. “Daughter of women” may express her femininity? Cleopatra sought her own political interests.
verse 18
He, Julius Caesar, a successful general, was seeking to become dictator. Isles: Sea lands, or sea coasts. War in other parts of the empire drew Julius away from Egypt. Then in 49 B.C. Julius marched on Rome. Pompey and most of the Senate fled. Pompey’s party made a stand in Spain but Julius Caesar finally defeated them on the coastlands of Africa. A prince - Heb. qatsiyn, a man of authority. Rest of the verse obscure meaning possibly “Indeed he [the man of authority, possibly Brutus] shall turn his [Julius’] insolence back on him.” RSV. Caesar was assassinated in the next verse.
verse 19
Julius caesar stumbled and fell (assassinated 44BC) when he returned to his own land after military campaigns.
verse 20
Raiser of taxes - Augustus (Octavian) followed Julius Caesar and under his taxation law Christ was born (Luke 2:1). Augustus Caesar died of illness, not in battle, in AD14.
verse 21
Tiberius was the vile Caesar when Christ, the “Prince of the covenant,” was crucified in AD31 (cf. Dan 9:24-27).
verse 22
The Prince of the covenant, Christ, crucified under Tiberius Caesar. Tiberius led several military campaigns in Germany & in the East
verse 23
In 161 BC, the Jews entered a league "with a small people", Rome - here the "little horn" began to become exceeding great. cf Daniel 8:9
verse 24
Rome was diverse from previous kingdoms - she reached a stage where she allowed her people to vote in their government becoming the first Republic. Rome also often conquered through diplomacy. She entered agreements with nations calling them ‘allies,’ but Rome was usually the benefactor. "Time":
A time = a year of 360 days, because 3 1/2 times = 1260 days, cf. Rev 12:6, 14.
A day may represent a literal year (Eze 4:6; Num 14:34) so a time, or 360 days may = 360 literal years. i.e. The city of Rome would continue to be the seat of world government for 360 years. From when? The battle of Actium, 31 B.C., described in the next few verses, is apparently the starting point, for it was from that date that Rome gained absolute supremacy over all when it conquered Egypt. Accordingly the 360 years ran from 31 B.C. - A.D. 330. Did Rome cease to be the seat of government in A.D. 330? Yes. Emperor Constantine gave Rome up and moved his capital to Constantinople.
After the death of Julius Caesar, Mark Antony sought to replace him. However Julius’ grandnephew and adopted heir, Octavius, won the popular support from Antony to himself. Bitter rivalry existed between them but they faked reconciliation. They divided the empire between themselves, Octavius took Italy and the west, Antony took Egypt and the east.
verse 25
Rome's Octavius in 32BC. The Battle of Actium which took place in 31BC was the final battle between the LITERAL kings of the North & South - Rome & Egypt
verse 26
Mark Antony's forces went over to Octavius after seeing Antony and Cleopatra flee the battle.
verse 27
This verse takes us back to Octavian and Mark Antony's faked reconciliation.
verse 28
Octavius who became Augustus Caesar "return into his land" [after defeating Antony] with great riches Octavius brought vast riches from Egypt to Rome. [See Prideaux II, 380]; "and his heart shall be against the holy covenant" - Under various leaders Rome warred against the plan of salvation; "and he shall do exploits" - Roman arms destroyed Jerusalem in A.D. 70,
verse 29
"At the time...": A.D. 330, at the end of the 360 years] "he shall return, and come toward the south; but it shall not be as the former, or as the latter" [In A.D. 330 Constantine shifted the capital from Rome to Constantinople in an effort to find a safer seat of government. Many take this as the signal for the downfall of the empire. With no strong ruler in the city of Rome the bishop of Rome (the pope) rose in power].
verse 30
"For the ships of Chittim" [“A general term for all islanders of the Mediterranean SeaCoasts and Isles of the Mediterranean Sea” - Strongs. cf. Num 24:24; Jer 2:10. Chittim was a source of ivory. See Eze 27:6 suggesting the] "shall come against him" [The Vandals from Carthage on the Mediterranean coast of Africa attacked the Roman empire]:
Daniel chapter 11 has taken us from the local & literal kingdoms of Bible prophecy to the spiritual with the transition of Imperial Rome to Papal Rome commencing in verse 31
The Persian Empire - verses 1&2
The Greek Empire - verse 3
The Greek Empire implodes into its four divisions - verse 4
The Kings of the North and South of the Greek Empire & their battles - verse 5 - 15
The rise of the Roman Empire - first mentioned in verse 14, - "the robbers of thy people"
Rome conquers the Grecian Empire's King of the North & becomes the new King of the North - verse 16
The final battle between the literal King of the South (Egypt) & the King of the North (Rome) - verse 25
The disintegration of the Roman Empire, the King of the North - verse 30
The transition of Pagan Rome to Papal Rome - verse 31, the literal gives way to the spiritual
Thus names like glorious land, Ethiopia, Libya, Edom, Moab, Amnon & pronouns have a new meaning
Verse 31 repeats that which was described in Daniel 8:11-12
Ships of Chittim: “A general term for all islanders of the Mediterranean SeaCoasts and Isles of the Mediterranean Sea” - Strongs. cf. Num 24:24; Jer 2:10. The Vandals from Carthage on the Mediterranean coast of Africa attacked the Roman empire.
Rome was weakening so it made overtures with the apostates in the church who were in the majority. The subtle change from Pagan Rome to Christian Rome here takes place. There is no change in the pronouns but this is in keeping with Daniel 8, where one horn represents both Pagan & Papal Rome.
[Verse 31 repeats that which was described in Dan 8:11-12
Apostate church leaders entered into an alliance with the State.
This began with the so-called conversion of Emperor Constantine (~AD312).
This Church-State union resulted in Papal Rome
Papal Rome continued on in the seat of the Caesars, and in the role of the “King of the North.”
For various reasons, including Barbarian attacks (“ships of Chittim”), the Roman emperor Constantine in AD330, shifted the capital from Rome to Byzantium (renamed Constantinople & today Istanbul) Shortly afterwards the Western Roman Empire began to collapse, dividing into the nations of Europe. The bishop of Rome (Pope), being the only powerful figure remaining in the city of Rome, took the power, seat, and authority formerly possessed by the Roman Emperor (cf. Revelation 13:2).
“Arms” [Heb. zeroah] refers to military forces in Daniel 11:15. Military forces helped establish the Papacy.
The word “sanctuary” is from the Hebrew 'miqdash,' which can refer to pagan temples (Isa 16:12; Eze 28:18.)
The word “strength” is from the Hebrew 'maowz​', which is repeatedly used to refer to the forts and fortresses, the leading cities, of pagan powers. (See Daniel 11:7, 10, 19, 38, 39). The temple of Pagan Rome was polluted by the arms of Papal Rome. Incidentally “Rome” in the Greek New Testament is from the Greek “Rhome” and means “strength.”
The word translated “daily” is elsewhere translated “continual.”
The word “sacrifice” is not in the Hebrew text.
“Take away” is from the Hebrew 'suwr' and means “remove” while the thing removed still exists but not in its original setting. It is used as in putting off garments (Gen 38:14); removing a cover (Gen 8:13); a man turned aside from the commandments (Deut 17:20).
“Arms” took away the “daily” (or continual) in order “to set up” the “abomination that maketh desolate” - Papal Rome (see Daniel 12:11 margin).
In 2Thess Paul guardedly called the “daily” the “withholder,” that existed in his day and said that it would be “TAKEN OUT OF THE WAY” to reveal the “man of sin” - Papal Rome. What power existing in Paulʼs day withheld the rise of Papal Rome and had to be taken out of the way by military force of “arms” in order to reveal Papal Rome? The answer is the continual spirit of self-exaltation in Pagan Roman form. The “daily” thus represented the “continual” spirit of self-exaltation in its Pagan form which was taken away by military arms in order to set up the same spirit in its Papal form. Forces fighting on behalf of the Papacy took away or removed all anti-papal self exalting opposition while the Papacy took up (Hebrew. 'ruwm' Dan 8:11) the same spirit. Paganism outwardly appearing to be removed resurfaced behind a Christian veneer in the form of Papal Rome.
The Franks (French), under their king, Clovis, were the first barbarian nation of Europe to pledge their support to defend and establish the Catholic faith. Their military “arms” overthrew competing forms of self- exaltation, namely Paganism and Arianism and helped “place” (“set up” Daniel 12:11 margin) the “abomination that maketh desolate” - the self-exalting church/state power known as the Papal Rome.
verse 31 would thus read as: "And arms [military forces of the Franks (French)] shall stand on his part, [shall give their strength and support to Papal Rome] and they shall pollute [Heb. 'chalal' - may be translated “wound, slay, pierce”] the sanctuary of strength, [Heb. 'maoz'. - strength. The city of Rome] and shall take away [Heb. ‘suwr’ literally take away unlike Daniel 8:11's 'ruwm' which means to lift up or exalt rather than "take away"] the daily sacrifice, [Take away the self exalting spirit of antichrist in its pagan & Arian forms] and they shall place [set up or bring to power] the abomination that maketh desolate." [The military forces helped remove all opposers and set up Papal Rome, a (destructive) desolating power and abomination in continuing the pagan worship of all its pagan predecessors even back to Babylon.
cf Daniel 8:12 - "And an host was given him against the daily sacrifice by reason of transgression, and it cast down the truth to the ground; and it practised, and prospered."
'Host' here in Daniel 8 is the same as 'arms' in Daniel 11 - Armies supporting Papal Rome. See Daniel 8
Apostate Papal leaders corrupted many, but the faithful, who knew God, witnessed at great peril to their lives. People such as the Waldenses, the Hugenots, the Albigenses and some Reformers like Wycliffe, Huss, Jerome, and Luther.
Many of those whom Papal Rome could not corrupt she slew, burned, or imprisoned during the “many days” she held power (1260 “days” which symbolize 1260 years Eze 4:6; Num 14:34. Matt 18:21,22. The 1260 days, 42 months or 3 1/2 times is mentioned in Daniel 7:25; 12:7; Rev 2:6, 14; 13:5).
The time of the Reformation
Some European powers, enlightened by the truth, gave protection to the faithfull Bible based christians. Throughout the papal persecutions there were always faithful leaders who kept the light of truth burning during the spiritual darkness. The Waldensesian ministers in the 12th century onward. John Wycliffe in the 14th century. John Huss and Jerome of Prague in the 15th. Luther and the Reformation in the 16th and onward
For centuries the faithful found refuge in the wilderness (cf. Rev 12:16). Later, German States which accepted Protestantism provided a little help to the faithful.
The word “some” was added by the translators and is not in the manuscripts so shouldn't be in the text.
“Many” is a better choice - these were persecuted / killed by Papal Rome
Those who understood the truth would suffer to prove them faithful.
Many were tried in the furnace of affliction maintaining their faith unto death
They were clothed in the white garments of Christʼs righteousness.
Papal Rome's persecution continued even to "the time of the end"; at which time it ceased.
The “many days” (v 33) of Papal supremacy, (1260 yrs. See Dan 7:25) reached to “the time of the end.”
As the Papal supremacy ended in 1798 “the time of the end” began in 1798.
Having brought us to “the time of the end” in verse 35 the prophecy goes back in time in verse 36.
Verses 36 to 39 are a detailed description of Papal Rome, 'the King of the North'.
The prophecy then brings us back to the time of the end in v 40
The king of the South attacks the King of the North in v 40 & is the reason why the persecution ceases.
Papal Rome's supremacy in verses 31-35 lasted until 1798 when it suffered a deadly wound - v40.
God had appointed the papacy a period of 1260 years (cf. Dan 7:25; Rev 12:6, 14; 13:5).
Those years ended in 1798 at which date is the commencement of the time of the end began.
Note: it is not the end of time but "the time of the end" - i.e., an end-time period.
We have been in the time of the end for 200+ years, which, in the whole span of history, is not long.
Daniel 11:31-35 describes the “many days” of persecution under the papal power.
Papal supremacy lasted from 538AD - 1798AD.
As papal supremacy ended in 1798, the time of the end began in 1798.
Papal Rome caused the death of many who understood and taught the gospel.
They fell “by the sword, and by flame, by captivity, and by spoil, many days...even to the time of the end...
At the time of the end, 1798, Atheistic France inflicted Papal Rome its “deadly wound”
France stripped Rome of it's political power, fulfilling Rev 13:3, 10
Daniel’s book was sealed to understanding until the time of the end:
“But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, [even] to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.” Dan 12:4.
“Berthier [The French general] entered Rome on the 10th of February 1798, and proclaimed a Republic...The aged Pontiff [pope] refused to violate his oath by recognizing it, and was hurried from prison to prison in France...he died...No wonder that half of Europe thought that with the Pope the papacy was dead.” J. Rickaby, The Modern Papacy, p1
verse 36 "And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done."
"The King"
In the Hebrew the definite article “THE” precedes the word “king"
This implies the king here brought to view is the power referred to in the preceding verses - vs 30-35
That power is Papal Rome, there called the “abomination that maketh desolate.” - v 31
"King" & "Kingdom" are used interchangeably in prophecy - Daniel 7:17,23.
The power spoken of in verses 30-35 is also the power here described in verse 36.
What power is spoken of in verses 30-36 inclusive? - Papal Rome.
Thus the king of verse 36 is Papal Rome.
Some contend that the king of verse 36 is Napoleon Bonaparte / France
However, Napoleon / France do not figure in verse 30.
Neither can Napoleon live for 1260 years from verses 31 to 35.
"According to his will"
The phrase “according to his will,” is only applied to powers which had total control over Godʼs people: (Medo-Persia Dan 8:4; Greece 11:3; Pagan Rome 11:16). Following Pagan Rome, Papal Rome alone had such power during its 1260 year supremacy. France did not have such power.
"Exalt himself"
This power exalts itself above God by claiming to have changed God’s law. cf. Dan 7:25 - see graphic below
"...shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods,..."
Papal Rome speaks marvellous things or blasphemies against God by claiming to be God, and claiming to be able to forgive sin. Dan 7:11, 25; Rev 13:5,6.
The little horn of Daniel 7 has a mouth speaking great things - Daniel 7:8, 11, 20, 25
In Daniel 11, the king of v 36 speaks marvellous things against the God of gods - Daniel 11:36
In Revelation 13, the beast has a mouth speaking great things & blasphemies - Rev 13:5,6
These verses connect Daniel 7, 11, & 13. They speak of the same power - Papal Rome
Mark 2:7 "Why doth this man thus speak blasphemies? who can forgive sins but God only?"
“The Pope is not only the representative of Jesus Christ, but he is Jesus Christ Himself, hidden under veil of the flesh.” The Catholic National, July, 1895.
“The pope is crowned with a triple crown as king of heaven, and earth, and purgatory.” Ferraris' Promptta Bibliotheca, Vol. VI, p 26, article "Papa."
“What only God can do by his omnipotence, the priest can also do...Indeed it is not too much to say that in view of the sublimity of their office the priests are so many Gods.” Dignity and Duties of the Priest, Alphonsus De Liguori, p35.
“Does the Priest truly remit [forgive] sins, or does he only declare they are remitted? The priest does really and truly remit the sin in virtue of the power given him by Christ.” Joseph Deharbe, S.J., A Complete Catechism of the Catholic Religion, p275.
“The Pope is supreme judge of the law of the land...He is the viceregent of Christ, and is not only a priest forever, but is King of kings and Lord of lords.” La Civilta Cattolica, March 18, 1871.
“The Pope is of so great authority and power that he can modify, explain, or interpret even Divine laws...THE POPE CAN MODIFY DIVINE LAW, since his power is not of man, but of God, and he acts in the place of God upon earth.” Lucius Ferraris, “Papa,” art. 2, in Prompta Bibliotheca
"The pope has power to change times, to abrogate [change] laws, and to dispense [do away] with all things, even the precepts of Christ." Decretal, De Translantic Episcop cf Daniel 7:25
"shall prosper"
Papal Rome practised, prospered and became influential. “...it [the little horn] cast down the truth to the ground; and it practised, and prospered.” Dan 8:12, 24. Compare the harlot of Rev 17:4 dripping with gold & jewels.
“How much she [the whore of Revelation 17] hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously.” Rev 18:7
"indignation be accomplished:"
Papal Rome shall prosper until the judgment of God (God's wrath) is poured out and he is no more - see Strongs concordance on Dan 11:36 v cf Daniel 2 - stone strikes feet of iron & clay, Daniel 7 - the beast with its little horn is given to the burning flames, Daniel 8 - the Little Horn shall be broken without hand, Daniel 11 - the King of the North shall come to his end and none shall help him.

Papal Rome changed God's moral Law of ten Commandments
Rome removed the second commandment dealing with the worship of idols
Rome split the 10th commandment so as to appear there were still 10 commandments.
Rome changed the Sabbath day from the 7th day, Saturday, to Sunday the 1st day of the week as noted in the graphics above.

"..the God of his fathers,..."
The apostles likened themselves to fathers of their converts (1 Cor 4:15; 3 John 4; Phil 1:10) Note: We are not to call any man our spiritual Father. Matt 23:9 By commanding unbiblical doctrines the Papacy shows that it does not regard the God of its professed ʻfathersʼ, the apostles. The Papacy fell away from the truth 2Thess 2:3-4
"... nor the desire of women,..."
Hebrew "issa" translated wife (425x), woman (324x), female (2x), married (5x)
In Isaiah 4:1 Christ is represented as the desire of women.
Women symbolize churches (Jer 6:2; 2Cor 11:2).
In the end- times many churches desire to be called by Christʼs name - Christian church
These churches do not follow what Christ says - John 8:31,32
Papal Rome has not regarded Christ, the desire of churches (women)
Papal Rome has done contrary to Christʼs word - the Bible.
Incidentally marriage might also be called the desire of women, (Gen 3:16)
This is also forbidden the Catholic clergy and the Nuns.
In 1 Tim 4:3 Paul foretold the practices of celibacy & compulsory abstinence from meat.
“Although celibacy is not expressly enforced by the Saviour...the [Catholic] Church felt it her duty to lay it down as a law.” The Faith of Our Fathers, James Cardinal Gibbons, (Roman Catholic) 1917 ed., p401.
“Catholics must practice self-denial on Fridays, either by abstinence from flesh or some other penance of their choosing...Special rules apply in Lent: fasting from food on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday...and compulsory abstinence from meat on all six Fridays...” Catholic Family Catechism, B.J.H. Tierney, p170
“The Pope’s forbidding matrimony, and to eat of meats created of God for man’s use, which is devilish doctrine by Paul’s prophecy...are tokens good enough that he is the right antichrist, and his doctrine is sprung of the devil.” Tyndale [1484-1536, First translator of the Bible from the Greek, Tyndale, An Answer to Sir Thomas More’s Dialogue, in Works, Vol. 3, p171]
The Papacy disregards:
God the Father, by breaking His Law.
Christ the Son of God & desire of 'women' by doing contrary to His teachings - John 8:31,32.
The Holy Spirit, by the Pope claiming to be the Vicar (representative) of Christ.
The Holy Spirit as the only infallible interpreter of Scripture - John 16:13
"for he shall magnify himself above all."
cf Daniel 8:25 - "...he shall magnify himself in his heart..."
Papal Rome speaks marvellous things against God as noted above in Daniel 11:36
Papal Rome speaks great words against the most high - Daniel 7:25
Papal Rome speaks great things and Blasphemies - Revelation 13:5
verse 37 said he regards no God except himself.
The God of forces must therefore be himself.
The word “forces” in this verse is from the Hebrew “mauwz” which means STRENGTH.
The word “Rome‚“ in the New Testament is from the Greek “Rhome” which means “STRENGTH.”
In the place of God, the Papacy worships the GOD OF FORCES - the GOD OF ROME, the Pope.
"the God of forces is translated from the Heb. maoz
As ma‘uzzim is the plural of ma‘oz, - “refuge,” “fortress,” which is repeated in this chapter (v7, 10, 19, 31)
The words may then mean “the god of fortresses,” or “the god of refuges.”
The most frequent translation of ma‘uzzim in the KJV is strength.
In place of God, who draws by love, Papal Rome honoured the god of strength or force
Papal Rome uses the civil powers to enforce compliance
The marginal reading of verse 38 says, “...as for the Almighty God, IN HIS SEAT he shall honour yea, he shall honour A GOD, whom his fathers knew not.”
Paul called this power the “man of sin” “Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God SITTETH IN THE TEMPLE OF GOD, shewing himself that he is God.”
The temple (Gr. naos) in which he would sit is the Christian church. See Eph 2:21-22.
"... he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones,..."
Claiming to hold the keys to heaven or hell, Rome has had a captivating control over kings and nations.
Revelation 17 speaks of the whore of Babylon who fornicates with the kings of the earth and is decked in GOLD, PRECIOUS STONES etc.
The wording is obscure and has been translated many ways.
“he will work for the strongest (ma‘uzzim) fortresses” is linguistically permissable.
This would refer to Papal Rome making rich those powers which did her bidding.
The worship of Mary.
Papal Rome has gradually increased the place of Mary glorifying her to the level of a god.
She is venerated and bowed before which is sinful (Exo 20:5).
She is prayed to and called the mediatrix between God & man which is error (1Tim 2:5).
She has become the dispenser of the graces of Christ which is error (1Cor 12:11).
Papal Rome claims Mary was free from sin, original or personal all her life which is error (Luke 1:47).
Mary has even been called the co-redeemer, co-redemptrix even though Pope Francis denies this.
"... he shall cause them to rule over many,..."
Who is the “them”? The last plurality mentioned was the most strongholds - those who did the papacy’s bidding. The papacy arranged affairs such that those powers who supported the church were themselves upheld by the church. Those who resited her became the subject of invasions sanctioned by Rome who promised much of the spoils to the invading forces
"... and shall divide the land for gain."
Papal Rome divides anything for gain including material things, territories, even people. (Rev 18:12-13).
Papal Rome is to be punished for dividing God’s church through her erroneous theology. Joel 3:2
In return for annual tribute Papal Rome granted lands to various peoples.
Pope Adrian IV granted Henry II permission to attack Ireland and pay tribute to Rome.
Pope Alexander VI in 1493 presumed to divide the New World between Spain & Portugal
Wealthy dioceses and archdioceses offered opportunity for personal gain and self-aggrandisement.
These were obtained by those who promised to pay their Church superiors the most.
Papal Rome helped settle territory disputes between nations in such a way that the church benefitted.
The merchandizing spirit in the church is mentioned in the 3rd seal of Rev 6:5-6. cf. Mic 3:11; Eze 34.​
Recall that Pagan or Imperial Rome conquered the Grecian King of the North in verse 16
Rome, the new King of the North fights its last battle with the King of the South (Egypt) in verse 25
Pagan Rome transitions to Papal Rome in verses 30,31 - literal Rome transitions to spiritual Rome
Papal Rome is the new Rome & assumes the title King of the North spiritually
Hence all names mentioned earlier in Daniel 11 after this transition, take on a spiritual meaning
This is similar to literal Babylon in Daniel 2 taking on a spiritual meaning in Revelation 14 onwards
Daniel 11:30 to 40 revisited - note the pronouns and who they refer to:
30 For the ships of Chittim shall come against him: (Imperial Rome)
30 therefore he (Rome) shall be grieved, and return, and have indignation against the holy covenant:
31 And arms shall stand on his (transition to Papal Rome) part, .....
32 And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he (Papal Rome) corrupt by flatteries: ...
33 And they that understand.... shall fall by the sword, and by flame,... .God's people persecuted
35 And some of them of understanding shall fall, to try them, - God's people persecuted
35 and to purge, and to make them white, even to the time of the end: ...". God's people persecuted
36 And the king (Papal Rome) shall do according to his (papal Rome) will; and he (Papal Rome)
36 shall exalt himself, (Papal Rome)
37 Neither shall he (Papal Rome) regard the God of his (Papal Rome) fathers,
37 Papal Rome did not regard the desire of women, nor regard any god:
37 for he (Papal Rome) shall magnify himself (Papal Rome) above all.
38 But in his estate shall he (Papal Rome) honour the God of forces: and
38 a god whom his (Papal Rome) fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, ......
39 Thus shall he (Papal Rome) do in the most strong holds with a strange god,
39 whom he (Papal Rome) shall acknowledge and increase with glory:
39 and he (Papal Rome) shall cause them to rule over many, and shall divide the land for gain.
THE TRANSITIONS FROM PAGAN TO PAPAL ROME from literal & local to a spiritual & global power
Daniel 2 - Legs or Iron (Rome) to the feet of Iron & clay (Papal Rome)
Daniel 7 - the fourth beast (Rome) to the little horn (Papal Rome)
Daniel 8 - Little Horn on 4th beast (Rome) to the Little Horn (Papal Rome) - one symbol for both
Daniel 11 - King of the North (Rome) to the spiritual King of the North (Papal Rome) - one symbol
verse 40 "And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over."
"...the time of the end ..."
In Dan 11:30-35 the period of Papal supremacy is described as lasting “even to the time of the end.”
In Daniel 7:25 is a finite period in which the Little Horn would persecute / war against God's people.
This was the "... time and times and the dividing of time." or 1260 years of Papal supremacy.
This time period in Daniel 7:25 came to its end in 1798 when the Pope was taken prisoner by France
Daniel 11:35 says the persecution of God's people continued even to the time of the end.
As the Papal supremacy ended in 1798, the time of the end began in 1798.
Hence 1798 commences the last period of Earth's history known as "the time of the end"
We are now living in "the time of the end".
"... the king of the south push at him:..."
The King of the South would PUSH at HIM, the King of the North, - Papal Rome.
To “PUSH” is to attack and conquer as when the Ram was pushing in Daniel 8:4
What power attacked Papal Rome in 1798 effectively ceasing Papal persecution? - France!
In what way can France be labelled the King of the South as the latter is the power doing the pushing?
The literal King of the South was Egypt at the beginning of Daniel 11 - vs 8,9
With the transition of Rome to Papal Rome, the literal & local takes on a spiritual & global meaning.
The names remain the same but the meaning changes as a result of the transition.
Hence Papal Rome inherits the title King of the North from Imperial Rome in verses 30, 31 & 40.
Similarly the original king of the South, literal Egypt takes on a spiritual meaning - Atheism cf Rev 11:7
Literal Egypt is not the modern day King of the South in the "time of the end". - 1798 onwards
What was the spirit of Egypt - the original king of the south? Atheistic!
Pharaoh, the original “king of the SOUTH,” defied and denied Godʼs existence Exodus 5:2
In the 1790s this God-denying spirit arose in France during the French Revolution, in 1793
The phrase, “king of the south” is hereafter used to refer to the God-defying Atheistic State.
Following France, the Communist state became atheismʼs most powerful supporter.
The French Revolution was the birthplace of atheistic Communism.
Hence Atheism, the spiritual King of the South, embedded in France pushed at the King of the North
Atheistic France abolished the Papacy in 1798 - this the deadly wound spoken of in Revelation 13:3
Atheism spread across Europe and Asia & was incorporated in Russia, China, North Korea etc
Atheism became embedded in Communism.
The King of the North (Papal Rome) with its allies will take out Atheistic Communism in the same verse
"... and the king of the north shall come against him..."
The *King of the North will come against the **King of the South. (*KOTN **KOTS)
Papal Rome (KOTN) with its allies will come against Atheistic Communism (KOTS)
After the division into four, Alexander's Grecian empire, finally resolved into two - KOTN & KOTS
The literal KOTN & KOTS also fought against each other and no other in Daniel 11:5-15, 25
To suggest a three way war in verse 40 is out of harmony with the rest of Daniel 11
"... like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships;..."
"Whirlwind" symbolises rapidity, swiftness - Amos 1:14, Jer 4:13
Soviet Union's collapse described by Newsweek as "DAYS OF THE WHIRLWIND" Dec 25, 1989
“Nobody believed the collapse of communism would happen this FAST.” Time, Feb. 24, 1992.
"Ships" denote business, trade or ECONOMIC power (Sanctions) - Ps 107:23, Rev 18:7, Eze 27:24,25
"Chariots & Horsemen" not literal but symbolic of MILITARY power through an alliance with the USA
In the recent Tucker Carlson and Vladimir Putin Interview February 6, 2024 Putin said:
"As for BRICS, where Russia took over the presidency this year, the BRICS countries are by and large developing very rapidly. Look, if memory serves me right, back in 1992, the share of the G7 countries in the world economy amounted to 47%, whereas in 2022 it was down to I think a little over 30%. The BRICS countries accounted for only 16% in 1992 but now their share is greater than that of the G7. It has nothing to do with events in Ukraine. This is due to the trends of global development and world economy as I mentioned just now. And this is inevitable. This will keep happening. It is like the rise of the sun, you cannot prevent the sun from rising, you have to adapt to it. How do the United States adapt? With the help of FORCE, SANCTIONS, PRESSURE, BOMBINGS and use of ARMED FORCES." (upper case highlights ours)
and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over."
The language appears borrowed from the Assyrian army marching south to overflow Egypt (cf. Isa 8:7-8). The Apostate Christian State (Papal & Protestant) is to dominate world affairs - a new world order
“The Triumph Of John Paul II-The TIDE of freedom WASHING OVER EASTERN EUROPE answers his most fervent prayer.” Life, Dec. 1989.
“While Gorbachevʼs hands-off policy was the immediate cause of the chain reaction of liberty that has SWEPT THROUGH EASTERN EUROPE in the past few months, John Paul deserves much of the longer range credit.” Time, Dec. 4, 1989.
“...In the spacious ceremonial library of the 16th century Apostolic Palace, the CZAR of WORLD ATHEISM, Mikhail Gorbachev, will visit the Vicar of Christ, Pope John Paul II...The moment will be electric, not only because John Paul helped inflame the fervour for freedom in his Polish homeland that SWEPT like bush fire across Eastern Europe. Beyond that, the meeting of the two men symbolizes the end of the 20th centuryʼs most dramatic SPIRITUAL WAR, a conflict in which the seemingly irresistible force of COMMUNISM battered against the immovable object of CHRISTIANITY.”
Time, Dec. 4, 1989.
verse 41 "He shall enter also into the glorious land, and many countries shall be overthrown: but these shall escape out of his hand, even Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon."
"He shall enter also into the glorious land, and many countries shall be overthrown..."
The glorious land represents the true remnant Christian church & not America as some claim.
“Glorious,” Hebrew, Tsebee, is translated “pleasant” in Dan 8:9 where it referred to literal Israel
Pagan Rome captured literal Israel.
Note verse 9 applied before New Testament times.
“Land” need not refer to physical territory. It often represents peoples: Lev 18:3; Hos 1:2; Joel 2:21; Amos 8:8.
In the latter parts of Daniel 11, physical places, e.g. the lands of the North & South refer to ideologies.
Palestine cannot be the “glorious land” because God gave up the literal Jewish nation 2000 years ago
They failed to comply with His requirement during their 70 weeks of probationary time - See Daniel 9 study.
As Pagan Rome entered literal Israel (see Dan 11:16) so Papal Rome 'enters' spiritual Israel, the church
Rome’s doctrines are even now overthrowing many.
Literal Israel was the “glorious land” & lay between the kingdoms of the North and the South
The “glorious land” - the church, lies between the false religion of the North & the atheism of the South.
Lands of the North & South, Edom, Moab, Ammon are interpreted as ideologies
Consistency demands that the glorious land is an ideology as well.
With purification due to persecution, the church changes into the “GLORIOUS HOLY MOUNTAIN” (v 45).
Christ is to present to Himself “a GLORIOUS church...HOLY & without blemish.” Eph 5:23. cf. Isa 66:20; Joel 2:1; Zech 8:3; Isa 11:9
"Many" shall be overthrown. The word "countries" is an added word and is not in the text.
Hence "Many" refers to people overthrown by Papal Doctrines entering the church
"but these shall escape out of his hand, even Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon."
Literal Edom, Moab & Ammon no longer exist showing the names are to be applied spiritually today
This confirms that the countries in the latter parts of Daniel 11 are symbolic.
Edom, Moab & Ammon were related to Israel.
Edom were the descendants of Esau.
Israel committed whoredoms with the Moabites (Num 25:1-3)
This typifies the ecumenical apostasy the end-time church is entering with the churches of Babylon.
Moab and Ammon were Lotʼs sons through his daughters (Gen 19:36-38).
Moab and Ammon escaped the destruction of Sodom in their Father, so to speak (cf. Heb 7:9- 10).
They represent Godʼs remnant people who escape the religious clutches of the King of the North
They come out of the fallen Christian churches and join the true people of God. (v 44 cf. Rev 18:4).
They escape from the King of the North (Papal Rome) into the Glorious land (the true church)
They heed the three angels tidings so to speak of verse 44 and "come out of her my people"
“The Lord shall set his hand again the second time to recover the remnant of His people...they shall lay their hand upon EDOM and MOAB; and the chief of the children of AMMON shall obey them.” Isa 11:11-16.
This is being fulfilled in the call to come out of Babylon: “September 23, the Lord showed me that He had stretched out His hand the second time to recover the remnant of His people [Isa 11:11-16 above], and that efforts must be doubled in this gathering time.” E.G. White, Early Writings, p74. Bracketed comment supplied.
Amos 9:11-12 compared with Acts 15:16, 17 shows that Edom and the heathen which follow God, represent “the residue of men.” When enlightened with the truth and the call to “come out of her my people,” multitudes of Godʼs people presently in Babylon - in the King of the Northʼs hand, will separate from the fallen churches and unite themselves with the remnant. (Amos 9:9-13; Isa 56:6-8; Jer 40:11-12).
verse 42 "He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries: and the land of Egypt shall not escape."
"Stretch forth his hand" is to have power over. David had power over Saul 1Samuel 2:8,9
Papal Rome will have power over the Atheistic state here symbolised by Egypt.
Atheistic states worldwide will yield to the religious requirements of the Christian nations.
All the world is to wonder after and worship the beast (Rev 13:3,8).
Forms of religion will continue & all will receive the mark of the beast except Commandment keepers.
Expect atheistic communist China to open up to ʻChristianityʼ through economic & military pressure.
"... have power over the treasures of gold and of silver, ..."
Here is prophesied that the King of the North will gain ECONOMIC CONTROL.
Atheistic countries, symbolised by Egypt will not escape.
*Compare literal Egypt spoiled by Babylon, the literal King of the North (see Dan 2) in Ezekiel 29 & 30
Soon no one will be able to buy or sell without the mark of the beast. See Rev 13:16-17.
World financial control will be in the hands of the Papal headed one world government.
The second beast of Revelation 13:11-17 will be instrumental in assisting Papal Rome
The Apostate Protestant USA will have the power to enforce the Papal laws.
Papal Rome united to the 'Protestant' USA will control the peoples right to buy and sell.
Revelation 13 reveals the two major powers - the beast and the image to the beast. (Rev 14:9-11)
*Literal Egypt was spoiled by the literal King of the North in the past as seen in Ezekiel 29-30...
"Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I will give the land of EGYPT unto Nebuchadrezzar king of BABYLON; and he shall take her multitude, and TAKE HER SPOIL, and take her prey; and it shall be the wages for his army." Eze 29:19.
Notice how Scripture describes Egypt’s fall:
“And I will strengthen the arms of the king of Babylon, and put my sword in his hand: but I will break Pharaoh's arms, and he shall groan before him with THE GROANINGS OF A DEADLY WOUNDED MAN.” Eze 30:24
Atheism in the form of France inflicted the papacy a deadly wound in 1798.
Atheism will however be defeated and receive a DEADLY WOUND itself from the hands of the Papal forces
"... and the Libyans and the Ethiopians shall be at his steps."
To be at someoneʼs steps is to be a follower (Ps 37:23; Job 23:11; Exo 11:8 margin; 1Kings 20:10 margin; 1Pet 2:21-22).
The Libyans and Ethiopians represent those who support Papal Rome.
“The steps of a [good] man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way.” Ps 37:23
“My foot hath held his steps, his way have I kept, and not declined.” Job 23:11
“Get thee out and all the people that follow thee (margin that is at thy feet).” Exo 11:8
“all the people that follow me. (margin are at my feet)” 1Kings 20:10
Christ's people “follow His steps, who did no sin” 1 Pet 2:21, 22
Conclusion: To be at someone's steps is to be a follower of theirs, either obeying or imitating them.
The libyans & Ethiopians are the deceived followers of Pap[al Rome.
The King of the North, Libyans & Ethiopians = trinity of evil - cf the Dragon, Beast & False Prophet.
"... tidings out of the east and out of the north..."
Tidings that come from the east and the north are messages that come from God.
The heralds of Christ’s first Advent came from the East (Matt 2:1).
The angel having the seal of the living God is said to come from the east Rev 7:2.
Here as in the later portions of Dan 11 the points of the compass are not to be understood literally.
The gospel message comes from all directions but symbolically as coming from the east, from God
Cyrus, who was a type of Christ came from the east & the north (Isa 41:2, 25; 46:11; Jer 50:3, 9)
Cyrus dried up the literal Euphrates River, conquered literal Babylon and delivered God's people.
What Cyrus did to literal Babylon, Christ will do to spiritual Babylon.
One day men will seek God’s word but it will be too late.
They are looking for it in the north & east, the places from which it came. (Amos 8:11-12). See Mat 24:27
The tidings that trouble the King of the North (Papal Rome) are the 3 angels messages of Rev 14:6-12
It troubles him because it identifies the King of the North as Babylon (paganism with a Christian veneer)
It troubles him because it unmasks him and calls people out of 'Babylon' (Apostate Christianity)
"... he shall go forth with great fury to destroy, and utterly to make away many."
The faithful will give the gospel, calling souls out of Babylon
The call is to keep Godʼs commandments instead of the mark of the beast (Rev 14:6-12).
This will infuriate the King of the North (alias the beast of Rev 13)
He will go forth with great fury to destroy the faithful (cf. Matt 2:1-13).
Tidings from the “east” at Christ’s first advent troubled a Roman appointed king
Herod went forth to destroy (Matt 2:1-3, 13)
So the tidings to prepare men for Christ’s second advent will trouble the Roman King of the North
He will go forth to destroy. A death decree will eventually be passed upon God’s people. Rev 13:15
“And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.” Rev 13:15; Rev 12:17
verse 45 "And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him."
"he" - the King of the North, Papal Rome
"shall plant" The King of the North shall establish (plant) - see Strongs Concordance on Dan 11:45
"the tabernacles" (tent of Jehovah or worship of Jehovah according to the Papacy's view of that worship)
"between the seas" - literal Israel's territory lay between two rivers (Genesis 15:18) & two seas, the Mediterranean to the west and the Dead Sea to the East. Hence, "between the seas" represents the PLACE of God's people which was literal Israel (the glorious land in v 16) in the first half of Daniel 11 but now spiritually is the true Christian church, the glorious holy mountain.
"in the glorious holy mountain" - “Holy mountain” refers to the dwelling place of God (Psalm 87:1; Isaiah 11:9; 56:7; Joel 3:17; Eph 2:21). The holy mountain is called Jerusalem in Daniel 9:16, “...thy city Jerusalem, thy holy mountain...” God’s presence alone makes a thing holy.
At the end of the 70 weeks literal Israel was cut off. (See Daniel 9 study).
Literal Jerusalem is no longer holy and cannot be the glorious holy mountain:
“Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people AND upon thy holy city...” Daniel: 9:24.
By their failure to comply with God's conditions, the Jews & Jerusalem were rejected as the people and the city of God at the expiration of the 70 weeks prophecy of Daniel 9.
God now dwells in his church (1Cor 3:17; 2Cor 6:16; Eph 2:21)
His church is an “holy priesthood...an holy nation.” (1Pet 2:5-9), God’s holy mountain.
Here is seen the prophecy that the King of the North (Papal Rome) shall plant his doctrines in the Church of God. Just as God's people, literal Israel, came under the power of Pagan Rome so will Papal Rome attempt to bring God's people under its power through her false doctrines, deception, coercion and a death decree - see Revelation 13 study, yet to come.
Tabernacles can also refer to military tents.
Daniel 11:45 borrows from Psalm 83:1-18, which describes the TABERNACLES of a confederacy of Evil, the ENEMIES of Israel coming to overthrow Godʼs people who will be HIDING in the wilderness at that time. God will rise up and destroy them.
“For, lo, thine enemies make a tumult: and they that hate thee have lifted up the head. They have taken crafty counsel against thy people, and consulted against thy HIDDEN ONES They have said, Come, and let us CUT THEM OFF from [being] a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance. For they have consulted together with ONE CONSENT [one mind]: they are confederate against thee: The TABERNACLES of Edom...Moab... Ammon...etc... Who said, Let us take to ourselves the houses of God in possession... Let them be confounded and TROUBLED for ever; yea, let them be put to shame, and perish.”
“Satanic agencies have been moved from beneath, and they have inspired men to unite in A CONFEDERACY OF EVIL that they may perplex, harass, and cause the people of God GREAT DISTRESS. The WHOLE WORLD is to be stirred with enmity against Seventh-day Adventists, because they will not yield homage to the PAPACY, by honoring Sunday, the institution of this anti-Christian power. It is the purpose of Satan to cause them to be BLOTTED FROM THE EARTH, in order that his supremacy of the world may not be disputed.” E.G. White, Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, 08-22-93.
Those who have refused to join those who keep the commandments of God will gather in purpose under Papal Rome for the last great battle against the people of God.
They will Ê»surroundʼ (Luke 21:20; Matt 24:15) the purified “glorious” and “holy” church worldwide (Eph 5:27), intending to destroy her. The same will happen again at the end of the Millennium (Rev 20:7-9).
However, just when the apostate church looks set to destroy the saints, its supporters will turn upon it and it shall come to its end, and none shall help it. (See Isa 47:15; 148, Rev 17:16-17).
Daniel 12:1 Deliverance
“And at that time [Heb. eth. Period of time - "in the time of the end" which began in verses 35 & 40 is when Michael will stand up] shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a TIME OF TROUBLE such as never was since there was a nation [even] to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be DELIVERED, every one that shall be found written in the book.” cf. Matt 24.
"We have no time to lose. Troublous times are before us. The world is stirred with the spirit of war. Soon the scenes of trouble spoken of in the prophecies will take place. The prophecy in the eleventh of Daniel has nearly reached its complete fulfilment. Much of the history that has taken place in fulfilment of this prophecy will be repeated. In the thirtieth verse a power is spoken of that “shall be grieved, and return, and have indignation against the holy covenant: so shall he do; he shall even return, and have intelligence with them that forsake the holy covenant. And arms shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily sacrifice, and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate. And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits. “And they that understand among the people shall instruct many: yet they shall fall by the sword, and by flame, by captivity, and by spoil, many days. Now when they shall fall, they shall be holpen with a little help: but many shall cleave to them with flatteries. And some of them of understanding shall fall, to try them, and to purge, and to make them white, even to the time of the end: because it is yet for a time appointed.
“And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvelous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done.” [Verses 30-36.]
Scenes similar to those described in these words will take place. We see evidence that Satan is fast obtaining the control of human minds, who have not the fear of God before them. Let all read and understand the prophecies of this book, for we are now entering upon the time of trouble spoken of: Lt 103, 1904. par. 17-20
We have no time to lose - We are at the end of the timeline of the prophecies of Dan 2,7,8 & 11
Troublous times are before us - Matthew 24 & Daniel 12:1
The world is stirred with the spirit of war - Matthew 24
Soon the scenes of trouble spoken of in the prophecies will take place - in Daniel & Revelation
The prophecy in the eleventh of Daniel has nearly reached its complete fulfilment - vs 40-45
Much of the history ... in fulfilment of this prophecy will be repeated - history of Papal Rome
In the thirtieth verse a power is spoken of that “shall be grieved,... - Pagan Rome
and return, and have indignation against the holy covenant: so shall he do; he shall even return, and have intelligence with them that forsake the holy covenant. - Pagan Rome making overtures with the Apostate Christians - Rome transitioning to Papal Rome
And arms shall stand on his part, - Papal Rome aided by the Frankish army of King Clovis
and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, - the city of Rome given over to Papal Rome
and shall take away the daily sacrifice, - removal of all opposition to the Papacy by King Clovis
and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate. - Papal Rome comes to power
And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: - Papal Rome corrupts the apostates
but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits - God's people working under pain of persecution and death
“And they that understand among the people shall instruct many: - the gospel truth taught
yet they shall fall by the sword, and by flame, by captivity, and by spoil, many days. - God's people persecuted and martyred for many days (1260 years)
Now when they shall fall, they shall be holpen with a little help: but many shall cleave to them with flatteries. - the Protestant Reformation helped somewhat.
And some of them of understanding shall fall, to try them, and to purge, and to make them white, even to the time of the end: because it is yet for a time appointed. - Persecution continued until Papal Rome received its deadly wound in 1798. The "time of the end" began in 1798.
“And the king shall do according to his will; - Papal Rome had complete power over God's people
and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, - Papal Rome exalts itself
and shall speak marvelous things against the God of gods, - Papal Rome speaks blasphemies
and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done.” [Verses 30-36.] - Papal Rome shall practise and prosper
Scenes similar to those described in these words will take place. ... Lt 103, 1904. par. 17-20
Scenes similar to those described in verses 30-36 WILL take place. The scenes involved:
The power involved in these scenes is Rome, both Imperial and Papal
The setting up of Papal Rome - this was helped along by King Clovis [of the Franks] - v 31
Papal Rome, however, received a deadly wound in 1798 - wound delivered by France. - v 40
The Prophecy predicts a healing of this wound - Rev 13:3
Papal Rome will be "set up" again aided by her Protestant daughters of the USA - Rev 13:11-17
Papal Rome persecuted God's people in vs 32-35
Papal Rome will persecute God's people again - Matthew 24 & Rev 13
Rome will receive another deadly wound from which there will be no recovery - 2Thess 2:8
There is no France or Turkey or Islam in all this as the power spoken of in verse 30 is Rome

Here is another problem and a major one for the literalist Turkey view. In considering the above sequence of kingdoms in Daniel 2, 7 & 8, one can easily see that the Turkey or Islam view of the King of the North is most incongruent with the other prophetic chapters.
The prophecy cannot be broken in Daniel 11. One cannot have the sequence as follows:
Medo-Persian kings - vs 1,2
Grecian kings - vs 3 - 15
Imperial Rome's Emperors - vs 16-30
Papal Rome's Popes - vs 31-39
Back to the Grecian Kings [of Turkey & Egypt] - vs 40-45
The literal interpretation destroys the true sequence of the prophetic kingdoms.
To suggest that Turkey and Egypt are the Kings of the North & South in verse 40 is to resurrect the Grecian Kingdom again after Papal Rome has come to power and is a most absurd interpretation of the prophecy. In no other prophetic chapter does this happen. Daniel 11 is a detailed explanation of Daniel 8.
The vision of Daniel 8 takes in verses 1-14:
The Ram
The He-Goat
The Little Horn
The 2300 days
The explanation of the Daniel 8 vision is given in verses 15-27 of Daniel 8
The Ram is the kingdom of the Medes & Persians - v 20
The rough Goat is the kingdom of Grecia - v 21
The Little Horn is the King of fierce countenance - v 23.
The characteristics fit Rome, pagan & Papal
The 2300 days is not explained in Daniel 8
Daniel 11 goes into great detail concerning the Kings / Emperors who ruled in these kingdoms and follows the same sequence as in Daniel 2, 7, & 8 with the exception that Babylon is absent in the latter two chapters.
Medo-Persia - vs 1,2
Grecia - vs 3-15
Imperial Rome - vs 16-30
Papal Rome - vs 31-45
The Turkey view of the King of the North unwittingly resurrects the Grecian kingdom in verse 40 in the form of Turkey & Egypt after Papal Rome has come to power, breaking the prophecy:
Medo-Persia - vs 1,2
Grecia - vs 3-15
Imperial Rome - vs 16-30
Papal Rome - vs 31-35
France / Napoleon - vs 36-39 - this interpretation is plucked out of thin air with no scriptural backing
Turkey - vs 40 - the King of the North of the Seleucid Empire of the North
Egypt - vs 40 - the king of the South of the Ptolemic empire of the South
France / Napoleon - v 40 - no real explanation or scripture to back this view of the "HIM" of verse 40
The injection of France or Napoleon into the prophecy (vs 36-39) after Papal Rome is a private interpretation. Many of the characteristics found in verses 36 to 39 have been noted elsewhere in Scripture and all refer to Papal Rome. It also contradicts the Testimony on Daniel 11:30-36 as noted above. France / Napoleon is not the power spoken of in verse 30.
The reintroduction of GRECIA after Papal Rome in verse 40 in the form of Turkey and Egypt (the literal Kings of the North & South of the Grecian Empire with Turkey being questionable as the King of the North) is again another private interpretation disrupting the sequence of the prophecies in Daniel 2, 7 & 8.
This interpretation puts Daniel 11 completely out of line with the rest of Daniel's prophecies.
People will be waiting for Turkey / Islam (a contradiction for the literal view as Islam is a spiritual ideology and not a literal place north of literal Jerusalem) to come to its end and risk going past the close of probation without knowing it because folk are waiting for something to occur to Turkey / Islam in verse 45 not realising it is a false interpretation of the prophecy. - see webpage on Objections to Turkey as the King of the North.
Many God bless you as you study into these things "for the time is at hand".
The AB B'A' team