We saw in the Introductory webpage, the chiastic structure or pattern of the Book of Daniel.
A CHIASTIC structure or chiasmus is a literary device or pattern in which two ideas or more are first presented and then represented in a reverse order so as to convey a more complete meaning.
The simplest chiasmus is found in Mark 2:27 & 28:
"And he said unto them, The sabbath (A) was made for man (B), and not man (B') for the sabbath: (A')" conveying the idea that the Sabbath was made after man was created and not vice versa, hence man has no authority over it except for the one who made the Sabbath. The Son of man, therefore, is Lord of the Sabbath Day as he is the one who made it and it is His prerogative and not man's to decide how the Sabbath should be kept holy which was the contention in Mark chapter 2. Furthermore, the Son of Man has decided that the Seventh Day is the Sabbath and not the first day of the week. Hence, Man has no right to alter it.
Daniel chapter 2 presents the image of a MAN (A)
Daniel chapter 7 presents the vision of BEASTS (B)
Daniel chapter 8 presents the vision of BEASTS (B')
Daniel chapter 11 presents the MEN who ruled (A')

The point about this chiastic structure is that the prophecies of Daniel 2,7,8 & 11 are all interconnected and cannot be broken up. The four worldly kingdoms which affected God's people are locked in, in the Daniel 2 image. The prophecies are a 'mirror-image' chapter 2 and 7 mirrored in chapter 8 and 11 except in Daniel 8 & 11, Babylon has passed off the scene of prophecy. The rest remain the same
The interconnectedness of the prophecies allows for the correct understanding / interpretation of the symbols used for the various kingdoms in the Daniel 2 image and especially of the Beasts of Daniel 7, the little horn of Daniel 8 and the King of the North of Daniel 11.
The Daniel 2 MAN outlines 4 world kingdoms leading up to the second coming of Christ.
Daniel chapter 7 repeats this in the form of four BEASTS with added detail
Daniel chapter 7 presents the rise of the Little horn
This is followed by the Judgment in chapter 7
Finally in chapter 7 the Judgment given in favour of God's people.
The Daniel chapter 8 BEASTS revisit this sequence after Babylon has passed on.
The rise of the Little horn is again outlined in verse 9 of chapter 8.
This is followed by the time frame for the Judgment in Daniel 8:14
The Little Horn is broken without hand in verse 25 - judgment in favour of God's people.
Daniel 11 gives us greater detail regarding the MEN who ruled in those kingdoms.
The transfer from the literal to the spiritual meaning of the symbols occurs with the transition from Pagan Rome to Papal Rome especially in Daniel 11.

1. “King” used interchangeably with Kingdom - Dan 2:37-38, Dan 7:17,23
2. “Mountain” symbolic of a kingdom - Dan 2:35, Rev 17:9
3. “Beasts” used interchangeably with “Kings”- Dan 7:17,23
4. “Beasts” are also said to be Kingdoms - Dan 7:23
5. “Horns” represent Kings / Kingdoms - Dan 8:20-22
6. “Heads” are symbolic of kingdoms - Dan 7:6, Dan 2:38
7. “Waters” symbolic of kingdoms, nations, tongues - Rev 17:15
8. “Great City” used interchangeably with kingdom - Rev 14:8, 16:19
9. “Ribs” symbolic of kingdom - Ram conquers in 3 directions. Bear has 3 ribs - Dan 7:7, Dan 8:4
These symbols bar "ribs" all meet in Revelation chapter 17.
In Daniel 2, God outlined 4 world kingdoms in King Nebuchadnezzar's metal man dream
Only Babylon, the head of Gold was identified in Daniel 2
A second and a third and fourth kingdom were to follow Babylon
One has to go outside Daniel 2 to identify the other three kingdoms.
The second kingdom to follow Babylon was the Medo-Persian Empire - Daniel chapter 5​
The Medes & Persians are the second kingdom of Silver of the Daniel 2 metal man
The third kingdom of Daniel 2 is found in Daniel chapter 8.
Grecia, the He-Goat, conquers the Medo-Persian Ram in Chapter 8
Greece is the third kingdom of the Daniel 2 metal man image
Historically the fourth kingdom, the one that follows Greece, is Rome
The characteristics of the fourth Kingdom are found in Daniel chapter 8
The Little Horn power which came out of the Roman Empire is identified in Daniel 7 & 8
Verses 3 - 4: The Ram conquering westward, northward & southward. cf Bear had 3 ribs, Dan 7
Verses 5 - 8: The He-Goat attacking from the west crushes the Ram
Verse 9-13: The Little Horn rises & attacks southward, eastward and toward the pleasant land
Verses 14: The 2300 days time prophecy
Verse 20: The Ram is Medo-Persia
Verse 21: The Rough Goat is Grecia
Verse 23: The Little Horn is the King of Fierce countenance - Rome (cf Deut 28:49,50)
Verse 26: The vision of the Evening & Mornings (2300 days) shut up - it shall be for many days

The Ram attacked in three directions toward the West, North & South
No beast (kingdom) could stand before it.
None could deliver those kingdoms out of the Ram's hand.
The Ram had total control - did according to his will.
The Ram became GREAT
cf the bear of Daniel 7 which had three ribs in its mouth
Three ribs representing three beasts the Ram conquers west, north & south

The He-Goat attacks the Ram
The Goat moved so fast, its feet didn't touch the ground - rapidity of conquest.
He brake the Ram's two horns (the Ram, a coalition of two kingdoms)
He cast the Ram to the ground & stamped upon him - note this words for later
None could deliver the Ram out of his hand.
The He-Goat had total control - did according to his will - see Daniel 11:3.
The He- Goat became VERY GREAT
When he was strong the great horn was broken.
Four other horns came up in its place - 4 horns = 4 kingdoms
cf the Leopard of Daniel 7 which had four heads (4 heads = 4 kingdoms)

The Little horn comes out of one of the winds or directions of the compass - v 9
The Little Horn became EXCEEDING GREAT, greater than the Ram & He-Goat v 9
The Little Horn conquered toward the South, the East & the pleasant land - v 9
The Little horn attacked the Host of Heaven - attacked God's people - v 10
The Little horn cast the host & stars to the ground - persecuted the Saints - v 10
Like the He-Goat, it stamped upon the host and the stars - killed the Saints - v 10
The Little Horn attacked the Prince of the Host - killed Jesus. - v 11
From the Little Horn the DAILY was lifted up , exalted, lifted on high - v 11
The Little horn cast the truth to the ground - v 12
An host (or armies) was given him against the Daily - v 12.
The Little Horn practised and prospered - became a very wealthy power - v 12.
Two persecuting powers are brought to view in verse 13.
Firstly the Daily and then the Transgression of Desolation - v 13
These powers trod underfoot (stamped / killed) the Sanctuary & the host - v 13
The Little Horn is the King of fierce countenance - v 23
The Little Horn understands dark sentences, spoke a foreign language - v 23
The Little Horn shall be mighty (exceeding great) - v 24
The Little Horn shall destroy wonderfully - killed God's people - v 24
The Little Horn shall prosper & practise - a very wealthy power - v 24
The Little Horn shall destroy the mighty and the holy people - v 24
The Little horn shall cause craft to prosper in his hand - the king of deception - v 25
The Little horn shall magnify himself in his heart - v 25
The Little Horn shall destroy many - destroyed Bible believing Christians - v 25
The Little Horn stands up against the Prince of the Host - it is antichrist - v 25
The Little Horn shall be broken without hand - will be destroyed supernaturally - v 25
Consistency of interpretation compels us to consider the Little horn here in Daniel 8 as the same Little Horn of Daniel 7 where it was first mentioned. If the Lord had meant this Little horn power in Daniel 8 to be different from the Little horn of Daniel 7, He would have used a different symbol or called it by some other name such as a long horn, fat horn, crooked horn or some other type of horn as He did in describing the horns on the Ram where one was described as higher than the other with the higher coming up last.
Unfortunately, those churches which hold up Antiochus Epiphanes as the Little Horn of Daniel 8 throw off the beautiful rhythm of Daniel 2, 7, 8 & 11. Four world powers are described in Daniel 2. These powers are detailed further in Daniel 7, 8 & 11 with more information added as to the characteristics, identity and activities of these kingdoms.
As noted earlier to secure the identity and understand the activity of these four wold kingdoms we must borrow from chapters 2,7,8 & 11 to fill in the gaps in these chapters especially chapters 2 & 7
No horn in Bible prophecy ever arose from another horn. All horns arise or grow out of the head of a beast (Dan 7:20) and NOT from another horn.
The Little Horn of Daniel 8 is Rome. The Little Horn here is dual in nature being symbolic of both Imperial Rome and Papal Rome. While the symbol here in chapter 8 is the Little horn and ought to be symbolic of Papal Rome which it is, however, as highlighted above no horn ever grew out of another horn. The horns all arise from the head of a beast in Bible prophecy - Daniel 7:20: "And of the ten horns that were in his head, and of the other which came up, and before whom three fell;..."
No horn exists without its parent beast. All horns grow out of the head of a beast. The Little Horn of Daniel 7 is IN THE HEAD of the fourth beast, hence the Little Horn of Daniel 8 must be IN THE HEAD of the same beast, the fourth beast.

The question must be asked as to which beast did this Little Horn grow out of? Did it grow out of the head of the Goat? The prophecy says the Goat only had five horns grow out of its head and not six! The Little Horn was first mentioned in Daniel 7 hence the Little Horn in Daniel 8 on first mention must be the same horn that grew out of the fourth beast of Daniel chapter 7 because it is the only beast described as having a Little Horn.
It would not be doing violence to the interpretation to say that the fourth beast is actually in Daniel 8 except it is here represented by the symbol of the Little Horn which grew out of its head. Therefore, the Little Horn symbol, here in chapter 8 represents both Imperial Rome, the fourth beast from which it grew out of and Papal Rome which is its true identity in chapter 7.
Antiochus Epiphanes is not the Little Horn of Daniel 8. He was the Syrian Horn of the Grecian Empire, hence could not at the same time be the Little Horn of Daniel 8. There are other reasons as to why Antiochus is not the little horn which will be dealt with in a separate webpage.
The question is asked in verse 13: "Then I heard one saint speaking, and another saint said unto that certain saint which spake, How long shall be the vision concerning the daily sacrifice, and the transgression of desolation, to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot?"
How long shall be the vision concerning these desolating powers, the Daily & the Transgression of Desolation. How long will they continue to trod underfoot the sanctuary and the host? In other words, how long will they continue to persecute God's people (the host) and how long will they trod down the sanctuary.
Imperial Rome destroyed the temple in 70AD
Imperial Rome killed Christians
Papal Rome trod down the Christ's ministration in the heavenly sanctuary.
The sanctuary service dealt with sin
Papal Rome set up her own way of dealing with sin - the Confessional & Eucharist.
Papal Rome killed millions of Christians who disagreed with her.
The answer to the question in verse 13 is given in verse 14 in the form of a time prophecy - 2300 days. The persecution was to continue to "the time of end" (Dan 11:35) We saw in Daniel 7 that the Little horn had to rise first, persecute the saints for 1260 years and then the Judgment was set in the time of the end, i.e. after 1798 and then this little horn power will be brought before that tribunal in heaven.
The 2300 days is 2300 years in Bible prophecy, a day for year - Eze 4:6, Numbers 14:34.
The Day / Year principle in time prophecy is backed up by Jesus in Matthew 18:21,22
Peter asks Jesus:
22 "Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven."
The subject was my brother sinning against me and I forgive him, ? 7 times.
Jesus said no, not 7 times but 70 x 7 = 490.
The 70 weeks prophecy of Daniel 9:24-27 is a period of 70 x 7 = 490 years.
Jesus was indirectly telling Peter, look at how long I have had to put up with your sin, the sin of Israel. You were given 70 X 7 = 490 years to finish the transgression, to make an end of sin & iniquity and you're telling me only 7 times for a brother who sins against you??? Christ was trying to penetrate the darkness and remind Peter that the 70 weeks prophecy was about to come to end for Israel.
Gabriel is told to make Daniel understand the vision - v 15,16
The Vision was to extend to the "Time of the End" - v 17
"time of the end" - an indefinite period extending from the Papacy's deadly wound in 1798

20 The ram which thou sawest having two horns are the kings of Media and Persia. The Ram attacked Lydia - north in 546BC, Babylon - West (539BC), Egypt - South (525BC)

21 And the rough goat is the king of Grecia: and the great horn that is between his eyes is the first king.

Alexander the Great's four commanders Cassanda, Lysimachus, Seleucus and Ptolemy divided up the Grecian Kingdom among themselves. The Kingdoms finally resolved themselves into two - The King(dom) of the North & the King(dom) of the South, prominent in Daniel 11.

First mention principles dictates that the little horn in Daniel 8 is the same as the Little Horn of Daniel chapter 7 where it first made its appearance.
No horn exists in isolation. Every horn grows out of the head of a beast.
The Little Horn in Daniel 7 was in the head of the fourth beast.
The fourth beast is, therefore, here in Daniel 8 under the symbol of the Little Horn
The Little Horn in Daniel 7 was Papal Rome
The fourth Beast of Daniel 7 was Imperial or Pagan Rome.
Hence Rome, both pagan and papal are symbolised in chapter 8 by the Little Horn.
Hence by virtue of that symbolism, the 4th beast can be said to be in Daniel 8
The Little horn arises after the Grecian Kingdom is divided into four kingdoms - 4 horns - v 9
The King of fierce countenance arises in the latter time of the four Grecian Kingdoms - v 23
"King" & "Kingdom" are used interchangeably in prophecy - Dan 7:17, 23
Rome followed the four Grecian kingdoms
The Little Horn is the King(dom) of fierce countenance - Rome, v 23 & Deut 28:49,50
It understood dark sentences - It spoke a language foreign to the Jews - Rome spoke Latin.
Moses spoke of this power in Deut 28:50 "nation of fierce countenance"
Moses spoke of this "nation whose language (Latin) the Jews didn't understand - Deut 28:49
Its power shall be mighty - Rome was exceeding great, more than the Ram & He-Goat
It prospered and practised - became a wealthy power - Papal Rome, a financial giant.
It destroyed the mighty and the holy people - Imperial Rome & Papal Rome killed Christians
Caused craft (deceit) to prosper; - Rome achieved its goals through military power & deceit
He shall magnify himself in his heart, - Rome exalted itself against God, it spoke blasphemies
Rome shall stand up against the Prince of princes; - Rome crucified Christ; Rome is Antichrist
He shall be broken without hand - Rome shall be destroyed supernaturally - by Christ.
Rome destroyed by the Germanic tribes transitioned to Papal Rome to be destroyed by Christ.
The vision of the evening mornings, i.e. the 2300 days, applied to "the time of the end" (v 17). This time part of the Vision (verses 1:14) was not be understood until the time of the end. It was SHUT UP "for many days", hence, "I was astonished at the vision, but none understood it."
The "time of the end" began in 1798 when Papal Rome received its deadly wound and was unable to continue its work off persecution - see Dan 11:35 - the saints were persecuted even to "the time of the end".
The question was asked in Daniel 8:13 - How long shall these two desolating powers, the Daily & The Transgression of Desolation continue to persecute God's people and trample underfoot the sanctuary.
The answer comes back in Daniel 8:14 - this work of destruction will continue to "the time of the end" when that Little Horn power is brought before the tribunal in Heaven in the Judgment as seen in Daniel 7.
The starting point of the 2300 days is given in another time prophecy, the 70 weeks of Daniel 9:24-27

The Little Horn Power is arraigned before the heavenly tribunal in the Judgment
However, the Little Horn is a professed Christian organisation
Hence, professed Christianity is brought before God in the Judgment
Therefore, Protestant Christianity is the subject of the Judgment as well.
The People of God also profess to be Christians.
Therefore, the Judgment also involves God's people.